Master / Standby operation mode
FAB Subtitle Database supports operation in master/standby mode. The standby server is monitoring the master server and every change in the master database is replicated to the standby server. The standby server also replicates all changes in the standby database to the master database. If the network connection between the two servers is interrupted or one of the servers is not working then the changes are recordede so that the replication is performed when both servers are working.
Create Standby Database from Master
In case that the standby server needs to be reinstalled or if the standby database gets corrupted follow this procedure to quickly and efficiently restore all data from the master database to the standby database server:
Stop the Windows Service “FAB Subtitle Database” on the master database server
Copy the file STTDB3.FDB5 which contains the complete subtitle database data to the standby server into a temporary folder (not into the database folder).
Start the Windows Service “FAB Subtitle Database” on the master database server
Stop the Windows Service “FAB Subtitle Database” on the standby database server
Start the program “Database Config” on the standby server. Some error messages may be displayed because the Service is not running.
Click on Database Tools / Create Standby from Master. A window will open where you should select the file STTDB3.FDB5 which you copied into the temporary folder.
The database file STTDB3.FDB5 originating from the master server will now be imported. This may take a few minutes.
When the file import is finished, start the Windows Service “FAB Subtitle Database” on the standby database server
Create Master Database from Standby
The same produre, however into the opposite direction can be performed to create the Master Database from Standby Database in case that the Master server needs to be reinstalled.
This page was last updated on 2024-09-03