How to move FAB Network Controller to a new PC

  1. Install FAB Network Controller Software on the new PC. Preferably the folder for executable files shall be C:\Program Files(x86) and not C:\NC as in previous versions

  2. During installation specify the NC folder as C:\NC. You can change the location of this folder to any other drive if required.

  3. Stop the FAB Network Controller Service on the new PC

  4. Check if the service “FAB Network Controller” on the old PC was running as a specific user. In such case configure the service on the new PC to run as the same user. Also open “Local security policy” and under “Local Policies / User Rights Assignment” open “Act as part of operating system” and add the user which is used to run the service “FAB Network Controller”.

  5. Stop the FAB Network Controller on the old PC

  6. Copy the content of all NC folders from the previous installation to the new PC (i.e. C:\NC from the old installation to C:\NC of the new installation). The following robocopy command could be used to copy all data including user rights:

robocopy \\OLDSERVER\NC\*.* C:\NC\ /MIR /SEC /TIMFIX /SECFIX /R:5 /W:5 /XJD /XJF /LOG:c:\robocopy-nc.log
  1. Check that all following windows settings/accounts/resources from the old PC are available also on the new PC so that clients will be able to access these Shared Folders:
  • User Accounts
  • Shared Folders
  • Scheduled Tasks
  1. Start NC Configuration on the new PC and check that the FAB Network Controller service will have access (possibly over network) to all folders specified in NC Configuration. Note that FAB Network Controller is running as a Service Application and uses different network access rights than the currently logged on user.

  2. Check which users are configured in NC Configuration and make sure that all users that use Windows authentication are granted the right “Log on locally”. See

  3. Close NC Configuration and start the FAB Network Controller service on the new PC.

  4. Check the logs in C:\NC\Internal\Logs to see if any problems are reported

This page was last updated on 2020-05-27